Organic waste: an environmental threat or the best solution ever?
April 24, 2024
Organic waste, Waste solutions, Environmental Impact, Bioeconomy, Soil health, Microplastics

Surprisingly, organic waste like left-over food, vegetable skins, fruit peels, etc. is one of the top-5 threats to global warming. It seems odd because it is the most natural waste humans produce, yet the mere amount and ways we manage it after it becomes waste, is what causes the problem.
44% of ALL global waste produced around the world each year, is organic food waste. Shocking amounts adding up to almost 1 billion tons of organic waste. Every single year. It comes from commercial kitchens, municipalities, different institutions, and just normal life, and so we cannot ‘just’ regulate its production or put quotas on it. We have to redesign how we think about waste, to change our behaviour around it, for the better.