The role of bioplastic in a circular economy

Biobags are made of Mater-Bi, a compostable raw material produced by Novamont. Mater-Bi biodegradable plastic was developed to shift organic waste away from waste disposal sites and incinerators and towards biological decomposition, thereby producing compost to improve the soil. We all know that soil needs nutrients in order to remain fertile but did you know that soil is a limited resource? It is expected that the amount of cultivable soil per capita in the world will be halved by the time we reach 2050 due to development, erosion, and deforestation.
Novamont is a global leader in the field of bioeconomies and Catia Bastioli, CEO, is a pioneer in the development of production processes and products that can help decarbonise the economy – i.e. reduce CO2 emissions. “We don’t simply produce products. Everyone agrees it’s great to produce sustainable products. But we also need to be aware of the economic mindset we wish to aim for. In addition to products there must also be an interest in quality of life for people,” Catia Bastioli explains.