Will compostable bioplastic be part of the EU's soil strategy?
The soil is an essential starting point for our entire existence. It is the basis for all food chains and for biodiversity on earth. But in the EU alone, 60-70% of the soil is not healthy. Each year, approximately a billion tons of soil is lost due to erosion, resulting in an agricultural production loss of 1.25 billion Euros per year in the EU.
In addition, the soil suffers from loss of organic material, pollution, loss of biodiversity, salinization, overexploitation, and discharge of pollutants. Healthy soil will strengthen our resilience and vulnerability to climate change. Therefore, the EU is working on a Soil Strategy, which must involve, among other things, a clean and circular economy so that we can grow healthy food and pay attention to the health of people, animals, and the environment. The soil must have the same care and protection as air, water, and the marine environment.